Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Reading Reflection #2

Sept. 17/12

Reading Reflection #2
Ally Condle
1 – 343

Here’s to another all nighter. I guess this book was a bit of a harder read, I was actually up all night reading. I don’t think I’ve done that since grade 10. I did really enjoy this book though and I’m pretty upset I only have twenty pages left.
            At the beginning of the book I found I was being giving very little information into the characters and setting. I later guessed that I managed to pick the second book in this series in my rush to find something I found interesting to read, I very much enjoyed trying to figure out and piece together what I was missing, but I’m sure this book would have been more of an easy read if I had actually understood what was going on in the beginning. I guess my original question would have been why on earth is this author being so mysterious?
            I also noticed that her plot is a little like that of hunger games. With the society controlling the entire lives of every citizen, and killing off all of the people who had lost the position of citizen; the aberrations and anomalies. So that was a text to text connection I had, but I also connected the controlling society in this novel with the government in my own book called the confederation. My novel also has a rating system that discriminates certain citizens and the confederation also kills off the lowest level of its ranking system; the unrated. I don’t know if that would be text to text or text to self but take your pick.
            Now for a little flashback to den of shadows, you asked me why I think the author uses animals so often in her writing. I think the animal represent the wild personalities of some of her characters because she always relates the animal with a specific character that normally has some of the same traits.
            In any case I think I’m going to finish my book now. I look forward to more questions.
                        Desi Henry

1 comment:

  1. Great discussion of the similarites of these novels. Why do you think these dystopian types of novels are so popular? What is their appeal? What do you think the next big trend in books will be (because as you pointed out, "Vampires and dead, again").
