Tuesday 20 November 2012

Reading Reflection #5

Oct. 9/12

Reading Reflection # 5
Phoenix Confederation
Desiree Henry
1 – 495

I realize this is a little bit unconventional but this weekend I spent my free time reading over my own book. I didn’t really read anything else so I can really write this about anything else, sorry.
I’m sure I could go on forever about my personal, or self to text, connections to this book, it’s mine after all. My main text-to-self connection, and I’ll only use one, would be to the male main character James, yes I talk about him a lot. James is, in a lot of ways, my version of a perfect man. My boyfriend Dev is also very much like James as well. I guess Jamie is also much like my Dev since the entire time I’ve been writing this book I’ve been with him.
A so what for my book was freedom from affliction and dictatorship. All the books I write have that sort of basic theme, a corrupt government, an evil queen; you know, “the norm”. I actually don’t know why I enjoy both reading and writing books with that general theme, I guess it’s just my thing. My main character Shawna was born inside the “royalty” per say, of the confederation but ever since her boyfriend Jasper was killed, she has rebelled against it. Making her a perfect target for James and his rebellion, but for the first time James sees Shawna he falls for her. The book is really the two of them living through the rebellion together on the front lines, whether it’s in the war or the negotiation they work together to free their world from the corrupt ruling of the confederation.
Hopefully you can look for Phoenix Confederation on the shelves late next year, until then though I hope you can enjoy imagining.
Desi Henry

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