Monday 29 October 2012

Reading reflection #7

Reading Reflection #7
Immortal City
Scott Spear
1 - 290 pg.

Well this past week I actually got into a good book. I just loved the chemistry between the two main characters. I had a text to self connection when Maddy mentions that her and Jackson are from two different worlds. Devon and I always say that because we were raised completely opposite from each other. I personally think that our different backgrounds and similar experiences are one of the reasons we're so good for each other. We have allot of the same ideals but many different methods for accomplishing our goals.
I think the first question I asked my self when these two characters meet was I wonder if this author has had his own love at first sight. He nailed the description of their first meeting. I love how descriptive he is, it really helps me to draw a detailed picture in my head, and I'm really good at that as it is.

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